Our Office is in our home at the front of the property.
Office Hours: 9AM to 9PM, Mountain Time
Check-In: 1PM or Later. Providing your arrival time is very important to ensure that your cabin is ready when you arrive. Early check-in at no additional charge may be possible if the cabin is ready before 1PM. Arrangements must be made with the office for early check-in or for late arrival after our office closes.
Check-Out: 11AM or Earlier. It may be possible to arrange a brief extension of check-out time at no additional charge by contacting the office. If your cabin is not reserved for the night of your scheduled departure date, check-out may be extended for departure up to 5PM by paying a $35 fee. You must make arrangements with the office prior to 11AM on your scheduled departure date. Check-out after 5PM will require payment for an additional night including tax.
Cabin Selection: Reservations may be made online, by phone or by email. We do all we can to guarantee the cabin of your choice. However, should a last minute problem make that impossible, we reserve the right to provide a similar or larger cabin at no change in rate.
Payment: Required in full upon booking for single night stays, if available. A 50% deposit is required for all other reservations. Deposits for advance reservations may be made by credit/debit card. Deposits for advance reservations may be made by check or money order if time allows. Balance is payable in full upon arrival by credit/debit card, personal check or cash. There is a $25 service fee for returned checks.
Credit/Debit Cards Accepted: Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express
Confirmation: All reservations will receive confirmation upon receipt of deposit. Changes to confirmed reservations prior to or upon arrival may result in additional charges.
Minimum Stays & Cancellation Privileges:
All Year - 2 night minimum, 14 day cancellation
Multiple Cabins (3+) - 2 night minimum, 30 day cancellation
January MLK - 3 night minimum
February Presidents Day - 3 night minimum
March Spring Breaks - 3 night minimum, 30 day cancellation
May Aspen Cash Motorcycle Rally - 3 night minimum
May Memorial Day - 3 night minimum, 30 day cancellation
July 4th - 4 night minimum, 30 day cancellation
September Labor Day - 4 night minimum, 30 day cancellation
September Golden Aspen Motorcycle Rally - 3 night minimum
October Cowboy Symposium - 3 night minimum
November Thanksgiving - 4 night minimum, 30 day cancellation
Winter Holidays (any stay that includes Dec. 24 thru Jan. 1) - 5 night minimum, 30 day cancellation and non-refundable after December 1.
Winter Holidays (week before Dec. 24 and week after Jan. 1) - 3 night minimum, 30 day cancellation and non-refundable after December 1.